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Data Protection and IT Terminology
IT terminology

Below is a list of IT Terminology – words, jargon and terms used on this site, along with an explanation.

2FA stands for Two-Factor Authentication. It is a security measure that requires users to provide two types of verification in order to access an account or system. This is usually a combination of something the user knows (like a password) and something the user has (like a smartphone or security token).

AES-256 is an encryption standard used to secure data. It stands for Advanced Encryption Standard with a 256-bit key length. It is a very strong encryption method that makes it virtually impossible for unauthorised users to access sensitive data.

A backup is a copy of data that is stored in a separate location in case the original data is lost, damaged or stolen. Backups can be made manually or automatically and are used to ensure that important data can be restored in the event of a disaster.
Backup as a Service
Backup as a Service (BaaS) is a cloud-based backup service that enables businesses to backup and recover data over the internet. It is a cost-effective solution that eliminates the need for businesses to purchase and manage their own backup infrastructure.
Backup Storage
Backup storage refers to the storage space used to store backup data. This can be on local devices or in the cloud. The storage capacity required for backups depends on the amount of data being backed up and the retention period required.
Bare-metal Restore
Bare-metal restore is a data recovery method that allows an entire system to be restored from a backup. This includes the operating system, applications, data and settings. It is useful for quickly recovering from system failures or disasters.
The cloud refers to a network of remote servers that provide on-demand computing resources and services over the internet. Cloud services can include storage, computing power, and applications.
Cloud First

Cloud first is a strategy where businesses prioritise the use of cloud-based services over traditional on-premises solutions. This is often done to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase flexibility.

Data refers to any information that is stored in a digital format. This can include files, documents, images, videos, and more.
Data Centre

A data centre is a facility used to house computing systems and equipment such as servers, storage systems, and network infrastructure. Data centres are used to store and manage large amounts of data.See our Data Centres FAQ


Direct-to-cloud backup is a method where backup data is sent directly to the cloud without being stored locally first. This is a safe, secure and cost-effective solution that eliminates the need for businesses to purchase and manage their own backup infrastructure.

Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery refers to the process of recovering data and systems after a disaster such as a natural disaster, cyber attack, or system failure. The goal of disaster recovery is to minimise downtime and data loss.
Disaster Recovery as a Service
Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is a cloud-based disaster recovery solution that enables businesses to recover data and systems over the internet. DRaaS is a cost-effective solution that eliminates the need for businesses to purchase and manage their own disaster recovery infrastructure.
Encryption is the process of converting data into a coded format that can only be accessed by authorised users. Encryption is used to protect sensitive data from unauthorised access.
Fully Managed Service
A fully managed service is a service that is provided and managed by a third-party provider. This can include services such as backup and disaster recovery.
A helpdesk is a support service that provides technical assistance to users. Helpdesks are often used to resolve technical issues and provide support for software and hardware.
ISO certified
ISO certification is a standard that is used to measure the quality of a business’s processes and procedures. ISO certified businesses have been audited and certified as meeting international standards for quality management.
Journal-based Architecture
A journal-based architecture is a method of data backup that captures all changes made to data in real-time and stores them in a journal, which can then be used to restore the data in case of loss or corruption.
Local Network
A local network is a group of connected devices (such as computers and servers) within a specific geographic area, such as an office or home. Data backup and protection on a local network typically involves backing up data to a central server or storage device.
Local Storage
Local storage refers to storage devices that are physically located on a computer or other device, such as a hard drive or USB drive. Data backup and protection on local storage typically involves making regular copies of data to a separate storage device or the cloud.
Malware is a type of software that is designed to harm or disrupt computer systems. It can include viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other types of malicious code. Data backup and protection is important in case malware infects a system and causes data loss or corruption.
Monitoring involves regularly checking computer systems and networks for any issues or problems, such as malware infections, hardware failures, or network outages. Monitoring can help prevent data loss or corruption by detecting and resolving problems before they become critical.
Offsite refers to data backup or storage that is in a separate physical location from the primary data storage location. This can help protect data in case of disasters or other events that could cause damage or destruction to the primary storage location.
Private Cloud

A private cloud refers to a type of cloud computing where a company or organisation creates and operates its own cloud infrastructure exclusively for its own use. It is different from a public cloud where cloud services are provided by third-party vendors to multiple clients. With a private cloud, the organisation can have greater control over their data and infrastructure, which can be beneficial in terms of security, compliance, and customisation. Private clouds can be hosted on-premises or off-premises and can be managed by the organisation itself or by a third-party service provider.See our Data Centres FAQ

Private Key
A private key is a cryptographic key that is used to encrypt and decrypt data. It is typically kept secret and used to protect sensitive data, such as passwords or financial information.

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s data and demands payment in exchange for the decryption key. Data backup and protection is important in case of ransomware attacks, as having a recent backup can help restore the data without paying the ransom.

See our Ransomware Protection FAQ

Recovery refers to the process of restoring data that has been lost or corrupted. Data backup and protection is important to enable recovery in case of data loss.
Remote Management
Remote management refers to the ability to manage computer systems and networks from a remote location, typically using software tools. This can help with data backup and protection by allowing administrators to monitor and manage backup and security systems from a central location.
Restore refers to the process of recovering data from a backup. Data backup and protection is important to enable restore in case of data loss.
Retention Period
Retention period refers to the amount of time that backup data is kept before it is deleted. This is typically set based on business requirements and regulatory compliance.

Secure refers to the protection of data from unauthorised access, modification, or destruction. Data backup and protection is important to ensure data is kept secure and protected from threats.

Security Architecture
Security architecture refers to the overall design and implementation of security measures to protect computer systems and data. This can include firewalls, encryption, access controls, and other security measures.

Self-manage refers to the ability to manage computer systems and networks without external assistance or support. This can involve using software tools to manage backup and security systems.

Software as a Service
Software as a Service (SaaS) refers to the delivery of software applications over the internet, typically on a subscription basis. This can include data backup and protection software that is delivered as a service.
Support refers to the assistance and guidance provided to users of computer systems and software. This can include technical support, troubleshooting, and advice on data backup and protection best practices.
TrueDelta is a data backup technique that is designed to reduce the amount of data being backed up by identifying and transferring only the changed data since the last backup, which can save time and storage space.
Virtual Disaster Recovery

Virtual Disaster Recovery is a disaster recovery strategy that utilises virtualisation technology to create virtual copies of servers and data, which can be quickly recovered in case of a disaster, without the need for physical hardware.

Wide Area Network is a type of computer network that spans over a large geographic area, such as a city, country, or even the entire world. It is used to connect devices that are located far away from each other, such as different offices or branches of a company, and allows them to communicate with each other as if they were on the same local network. The Internet can be considered a WAN in some cases.